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Ballater Paramedic running 62 miles in July to raise funds after son’s cancer diagnosis

A Scottish Ambulance Service paramedic is running a total of 62 miles during July to raise money for Cancer Research UK after her son’s Stage 4 bowel cancer diagnosis.

Velda Green, who is based at Ballater Ambulance Station, said her son, 33, is now in palliative care after a large tumour was discovered in January (2024).

Before bowel cancer specialists had a chance to help, his cancer spread. Velda said by this stage he was palliative and nothing other than chemotherapy could be done.

Velda, 51, said: “We were all devastated to hear the news, for my son and his wife of 1 year, they couldn’t accept it and hoped with him only being 33 years old, something could be done.

“Myself and the rest of the family have been through a rollercoaster of emotions. However, as his mother, I’ve found it especially hard and I have been left feeling helpless. We don't know how long he has got, but if I can do anything to help Cancer Research UK by raising money I will.”

Feeling “hopeless”, Velda said she wanted to do something to give back even if in a small way.

Having previous experience in the Balmoral 10k and Race for Life, she signed up to take part in Cancer Research UK’s “Run 62 miles challenge in July”, running at least 2.5 miles every day,

Velda is on target to exceed 62 miles, with money for Cancer Research UK. So far, she has raised nearly £1500.

She added: “MacMillan and Clan have been great so far with him. This is a challenge for me but it is great for clearing my head and being in the fresh air.”

Velda said her son has started his new chemo and is coping well at the moment. He is not letting anything keep him down. I am immensely proud of him and how well he is dealing with this. He bought himself a wee caravan and when well himself his wife and two dogs getaway for short trips.”

Velda also wishes to raise awareness of the early symptoms of bowel cancer, and urges anyone to seek early diagnosis or treatment if they experience any changes in their normal bowel habits.

To donate to Velda’s cause visit: Velda's Giving Page (

Visit Bowel Cancer | Bowel Cancer UK for more information or Bowel cancer | NHS inform

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Scottish Ambulance Press Office