Local residents urged to sign up to GoodSAM App
The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) has urged those who have CPR knowledge and live in Tayside and its surrounding areas to sign up to GoodSAM, a lifesaving app which allows the ambulance service to alert community responders to the location of someone needing urgent assistance after going into cardiac arrest.
In Scotland, over 3,000 people have a cardiac arrest outside of hospital every year and every second counts. By equipping bystanders with the tools to help, through dialling 999, starting CPR and using a defibrillator, those suffering a cardiac arrest have a much greater chance of survival.
The appeal was made during the recent annual Scottish Cardiac Arrest Symposium held in Edinburgh.
Michael Dickson, SAS Chief Executive said:
“When a cardiac arrest occurs we know every second counts and the earlier CPR happens the greater the chances of survival. The public can help by finding out how to carry out CPR and by joining GoodSAM (www.savealife.scot/GoodSAM). You can really make a difference.”
Dundee-based Chris Allison read about the app in a newspaper article, which inspired him to register a few years ago. Chris volunteers for the HM Coastguard and wanted to further help out his local community by becoming a GoodSAM responder.
He was lying in bed early one morning when he received a GoodSAM notification for a cardiac arrest happening around the corner. He quickly raced to the scene.
He found the patient’s wife administering CPR whilst quite distressed, so he took over until the paramedics arrived shortly after. He stayed with the paramedics to assist and after a lot of hard work from all involved, they managed to get a pulse then transport the patient to hospital.
Chris said: “As I had previous experience of emergency medicine through my work, I felt it my duty to register as a GoodSAM responder. There is no right or wrong when it comes to CPR, but family members can often find it hard when they are highly distressed. The GoodSAM app is extremely valuable as it gives local people in their communities the ability and system to provide life-saving support.”
Contact Information
Scottish Ambulance Press Office
Notes to editors
GoodSAM is a lifesaving app which allows the ambulance service to alert community responders to the location of someone needing urgent assistance after going into cardiac arrest. Once alerted, and the alert is accepted, it instantly shares the location of the person in cardiac arrest to notify those who are registered and are within 500m of the incident, so that they can quickly respond to provide potentially lifesaving cardio-pulmonary life support (CPR).
To find out more about the GoodSAM app, refresh your CPR skill and sign up to the app, please visit the Save a Life for Scotland GoodSAM pages at savealife.scot/goodsam.