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Specialist team bolsters emergency provision in Vale of Leven

A new team in the Vale of Leven specialising in cardiac arrest is bolstering the area’s emergency provision with more than a century of frontline experience.

As sole responders, the Vale of Leven Rapid Resuscitation Response (3RU) team will attend the Scottish Ambulance Service’s most urgent calls or assist an ambulance crew at critical emergencies, such as out of hospital cardiac arrests and serious road traffic collisions.

The five strong team are equipped with advanced resuscitation equipment, including a mechanical CPR device, Intubation, Intravenous and Intraosseous deliverable emergency drugs, as well as a wealth of training, education, and experience.

Jimmy McGrath, a member of the team, said: “The 3RU team act as the pre-hospital resuscitation team leader, assisting with critical on scene decision making, and responding to life threatening emergencies such as cardiac arrests.

“Trained in leading resuscitations and advanced decision making, this adds a new layer of medical and trauma skills to what is already available in the area with regards to ambulance response. It has already helped many local people and helped save lives.

“We are delighted to have such a strong team with some of the most experienced pre-hospital clinicians staffing the 3RU resource which aims to utilise pathways and medicines to help patients get the right care at the right time in the right place.”

Pictured from left to right are

Jimmy McGrath; Caroline Davie; Gerry Brown; Wayne Dalton. ( Raymond Fleming not in picture)

Contact Information

Scottish Ambulance Press Office


Notes to editors

Jimmy is a former Clinical Training Officer,  practitioner and air ambulance paramedic who has been with the service for 28 years.

Gerry Brown is one of the most experienced senior paramedics in Argyll & Clyde who has 35 years of ambulance service.

Wayne Dalton a Clinical Team Leader, and former Area Service Manager.

Caroline Davie- Clinical Team Leader and paramedic mentor,

Raymond Fleming, Clinical Team Leader and  assessor & reviewer